To you, Luna.

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  • To you, Luna.

    • To you, Luna.

      For all the stars that surround you
      No presence can compare
      you left me in awe
      you shine, you glow
      every night, I wish only to stare

      Your white skin, your freckles, you.
      I smiled, a array beam so bright
      you made me sweat in a cold night.

      Scintillating as you go in the dark
      Set forth a path to my meaningless life.
      Isolation as far as it may go
      loving you was inevitable,
      Striving to reach your heavenly body
      I kept myself in tranquil,
      An oblivious light
      nonetheless I layed in despair.
      Seeing you so near
      yet so far,
      all I want was to hold you.

      And now that you’re gone.
      Blinded with darkness, all alone

      Pio ho capito che ero il tuo sole.

      They say a lover is a day,
      I am but a fool in regard to intimacy
      or at any means of being your day,
      Leastways not anymore.

      To you luna, I gave you my light.
      I expected nothing in return
      And yet here I am, devastated.
      Out of sight.

      Giorfio.Antonio Fuego Amarga
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