Its Not My Fault

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  • Its Not My Fault

    • I wait to get a tender glance,
      I did not create this circumstance.
      I want to be looked at like the rest,
      Why did life for me have to be such a big test.

      Like other children I cannot dance,
      Neither can I hop and prance.
      Like other children I cannot skip,
      Neither can I do a flip.

      Life for me is so lonely,
      Filled with deep pain and agony.
      Was I supposed to get only tears,
      No happiness, and only fear.

      I too want to run and play,
      I want to mold statues of clay.
      I wish to feel the cool grass under my feet,
      My friends, I too want to meet.

      Please don’t look at me with disdain,
      I request one single chance to explain.
      Its not my fault, I was born this way,
      I never wished for my life to be grey.

      Nobody chooses to be born with a disability,
      We certainly need more sensitivity.
      Stop looking at us like prickles on a rose bush,
      Don’t be that someone who gives us a push.

      By “Maja Malhotra”

      Maja Malhotra
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