Enemy of Nature

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  • Enemy of Nature

    • The ozone layer dying
      I heard her crying
      Like a helpless newborn baby
      Dropping angry rays
      The menalin can’t take
      Hence, my skin badly burn
      Like heated furious furnace

      Running to the riverside
      To quench this burn
      Yet the water,
      Spilled with blackgold
      Leaving the aquatic creatures floating dead
      Oh, no way for me!
      My skin yet burn
      I turn to open space for fresh air
      The ozone enemy roared
      Traveling to different directions
      Unending smokes
      Disrupting the rhythm of my lungs and yet my skin still burn.

      Unfriendly act of man
      To nature
      Will only come back
      With claws like a wounded lion
      To hunt
      Its threat we fear
      Consequences of our act we bear

      Etumnu Emeka
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