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    • Dear PAPAOUTAI,

      I shall chop up my head
      present you as a gift

      hope that would reach your satisfactions and fit
      I tried and might failed a million times to held your head high to keep

      Dear dad, I am filled with guilt
      that I couldn’t walk under your shoe

      your curse my boon
      hope you smile with utter of words
      son, I am proud
      I have happiness may surround

      I crave your slap and the spank
      which would be filled with love and affections

      My legs might have walk away
      still my love and honor stays somewhere there
      Might my mouth vomited bitter and sour time and again

      I shall chop up my head
      present you as a gift
      to level up your grace and this gifted life shall remain for eternal hours

      You are mighty and you will be the mightiest
      I am abject for every mess I carried
      and i carried by.

      Yours ,

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